Labuan FSA has been entrusted with the following functions:
To administer, enforce, carry out and give effect to the provisions of the Labuan IBFC laws;
To exercise, discharge and perform such powers, duties and functions in accordance with the laws;
To maintain the good reputation of Labuan IBFC as an international business and financial centre;
To carry out research and commission studies on financial services in Labuan IBFC;
To make recommendations for the creation and improvement of facilities to enhance the attraction of Labuan IBFC as a centre for financial services;
To collaborate with Labuan financial institutions and industry associations in advancing the development and growth of businesses and financial services in Labuan IBFC;
To advise and make recommendations to the government on matters relating to financial services in Labuan IBFC; and
To carry out all such activities and undertaken measures to enable appropriate administration of the Authority, or for other purposes as mandated by the Minister.